My blog has been dormant for months upon months. After the initial surge of activity surrounding the poster campaign, things died down. However the poster campaign lives on in different incarnations!
Here are some examples:
The Bulgarian national LGBTQ organization Gemini thought it might be nice to instigate a discussion in their country and decided to print postcards which are available for free at various bars and clubs.
The Slovenes have also given the campaign some good press. Narobe is an LGBT magazine published in Slovenia. They first wrote about the campaign in their July 2007 issue. Then I wrote a "Letter from Abroad" about my experiences with the campaign. Here are some pics of the articles.
Apart from that, I have also distributed some of the actual billboards which hung on the streets of Warsaw. When I offered them to my friends most were enthusiastic to get one....UNTIL they saw how freakin huge they are! Nonetheless, being the supportive and fabulous lot they are, many people did put them up.
Eszter works for the Central European University in Budapest. She's wallpapered her office with my poster, to the various reactions of her coworkers and students. As she's in the Human Rights Law Department, it makes perfect sense to have me as Big Brother :-)
Even the Americans have found a use for it, much akin to a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, you can use my poster as a party treat!
Here my friends in Boston attempt to play the role of a Polish victim of hate!!